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ollie HR 2.jpg

This man had a wonderful ease and patience about him. With a gentle accommodating spirit, he shared intimate things with me, a complete stranger with a camera, in a way that made me reflect on my own habits of interacting with others. I think I am at times prone to lose sight of myself in my empathy towards others.

When I’m listening to someone, I can go too far on “their side of the street.” He wasn’t like that. Although he clearly wanted to do a good job answering my questions and posing for his photograph, he never left himself. He stayed in his own shoes, so to speak. I'd very much like to embody this kind of balance but wonder if it will take me his 79 years to achieve it. 

00:00 / 02:40

Austin, TX, January 25, 2021
Oil on Linen
20 x 24 inches

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